1. Organise a cultural or educational event: Organize an educational or a cultural event together with young people in your local community. These activities can include writing essays, sports, dance, performing or expressive arts, music, games, drama, watching a film, or any suitable event to raise awareness about child poverty and actions to overcome it. Partner with children or youth organisations such as religious groups, children’s homes, sports clubs, scouts and peace clubs, in order to host this event.
2 Involve your school: Partner with the school(s) in your community to organise and host an awareness activity around our ECP@10 campaign message, Together To End Child Poverty
- Invite students, teachers and parents to take part in your event.
- In this school activity, provide a platform for children to speak about how communities can end child poverty and violence against children.
- Remember to provide space for children to showcase their work in addressing child poverty.